Safety requirements for installing a pool in Australia.

To protect from tragic drowning incidents, the Australian Government has strict rules and regulations when it comes to installing a pool on your property. The current Australian Standard AS1926-2012 (the standard) is in place as the standard in NSW, Victoria, South Australia, Tasmania, Western Australia and the ACT. In these jurisdictions, the standard is called up by the Building Code of Australia (BCA) and in many cases, there are local variations effected under legislation. Northern Territory operates under AS1926.1 – 1993 and Queensland has its own standard in place which is a modified version of AS 1926-2007 combined with a state standard QDC MP 3.4.
The standards cover a number of topics including but not limited to:
- Access to the pool: including fencing, fence height, gates and gate latching devices. It is important to comply with pool fencing regulations to ensure the safety of everyone on your property, especially children;
- Water Circulation: All Australian swimming pools and spas must comply with Australian Standard AS1926.3 - 2010 Swimming pool safety - Water recirculation systems; and
- CPR Signage requirements: displaying compliant Cardio Pulmonary Resuscitation (CPR) signage is a legislated requirement in many states of Australia but is also a great way to remind pool users of what to do in an emergency.
- Pool Registration: All swimming pools in Australia are required to be registered with the local council to ensure completion of relevant pool compliance inspections.
While approval requirements differ from state to state, all new pool installations in Australia require approval from local councils. If you are considering a pool installation, contact your local council for details regarding approval requirements, application details and for information regarding any natural conditions in your area that may affect the installation of your pool. Private certifiers can also be contacted to assist with plan drawings and council applications.
For more information, contact us, your local council or the SPASA Australia website today.